
The Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina has two issues of KM coin sets and anniversary coin 20th Anniversary of the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as follows:

1. Numismatic set of KM coins issued on the occasion of 25. anniversary of the CBBH

Numizmatički set kovanica povodom 25 godina CBBiH

Numismatic set of KM coins on the occasion of 25. anniversary of the CBBH

Sadržaj seta kovanica

Content set of coins.

Numismatic set of KM coins on the occasion of 25. anniversary of the Central Bank is a set which includes uncirculated coins otherwise intended for circulation in the denominations of 2 KM and 5 KM issued in 2022 and also other denominations of KM coins – 1 KM, 50F, 20F, 10F and 5F issued in 2021. The coins are placed in the see-through container, which is placed in a cardboard box covered by protective transparent foil. The weight of the set is 170 gr, dimensions 165mm x 114.5mm x 8.5mm.

The price of the set is KM 45, and it can be procured only in the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

2. Millenium set of coins 2000

Numizmatički set kovanica Milenijum 2000

Numismatic set of coins Millenium 2000

Sadržaj seta kovanica

Content set of coins.

Numismatic set of coins Millenium 2000 is a set made of coloured firm shiny paper including uncirculated coins of 10, 20 and 50 Fening and 1 and 2 KM. The weight of the set is 83 gr, dimensions 150mm x 150mm x 5 mm.

The price of the set is KM 13 and it can be procured only in the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

3. 20th Anniversary of the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina 1997-2017

This anniversary coin has been produced on the occasion of 20 years of successful operations of the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina as an independent monetary institution and the anchor of monetary and financial stability in the country. The anniversary coin is at the same time also a symbol of a period in which the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina had a significant role and place in the history and development of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Sadržaj seta kovanica

Coin Specifications

  • Alloy: .925 Sterling Silver
  • Weight: 28.28g
  • Diametar: 38.61 mm
  • Quality: Proof
  • Producer: The Royal Mint, United Kingdom
  • Total production: 2.000 pcs.

The price of the Anniversary coin is 110 KM and can be purchased exclusively at the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina until stocks last.

Payment instruction and information on sale can be obtained by e-mail or by phone numbers 033/278-212 or 033 278-335, open to the public on working days between 09:00 AM and 03:00 PM.

Order template.

Newsletter CBBiH