Questions and answers
Frequently asked questions
1. What is credit rating and how to interpret it?
2. What benefits has the country from the sovereign rating?
3. On which depends the sovereign rating of a country?
4. What is influencing the credit rating of Bosnia and Herzegovina?
Credit rating
1. How do we recognize counterfeits?
2. What citizens can and should do if they suspect they have counterfeits?
3. Can a citizen be reimbursed in any way, i.e. can they receive a proper banknote if it is found that they have a counterfeit?
4. When, in which situations, where and in which way can damaged money be replaced?
1. What is the Central Registry of Credits of Business Entities and Natural Persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina and what does it serve for?
2. Who can and in which way receive the report from the Central Registry of Credits of Business Entities and Natural Persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina?
3. Who is responsible for updating the data in the Central Registry of Credits of Business Entities and Natural Persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina? How often are data updated? How much time is needed for the updated data to be seen in the Central Registry of Credits of Business Entities and Natural Persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina?
4. What is the Single Registry of Accounts of Business Entities in Bosnia and Herzegovina and what does it serve for?
5. Why would be important the implementation of the Single Registry of Accounts of Natural Persons and what it would support?
6. Does the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina have the legal basis to create the Registry of Accounts of Natural Persons, and is this the transfer of competences from the Entities to the state?
1. What is a payments system?
1. What are payment transactions?
1. What is the role of the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a fiscal agent of the state and depository?
1. What is included in the revenues of the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina and how does it generate them?
2. When the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina generates revenues, where does it allocate all this money and which items are the expenditures?
1. What are foreign exchange reserves?
2. How does the CBBH manage foreign exchange reserves?
3. Can the foreign exchange reserves of the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina be used for economic or other purposes?
4. What is a net foreign asset, and what is it for?
1. What is currency board?
2. Which are the features of the currency board in BH?
3. Does the currency board represent an obstacle for BH economic growth, has currency board been overcome and can an alternative solution be considered?
1. What monetary policy instruments are available to the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina?
2. What is a mandatory reserve and what is its significance?
3. What are the excess required reserves and can the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina encourage commercial banks to use these funds to lend to the economy?