Here, you can report fake news related to the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina. If you notice fake news related to our institution, or receive an e-mail with false content, or you are contacted by phone, you can report such information here. You can also report it directly, to the e-mail address [email protected]. Malicious individuals often use various platforms such as e-mail, telephone, Viber, WhatsApp, social networks and various portals to make you click on malicious links, provide personal information or download harmful files. If you receive a suspicious message which is related to the Central Bank, we recommend that you always check its authenticity with us first before taking any action. Malicious individuals can ask for your mobile banking access data, SMS codes, account numbers, unique social number of citizen, ID card number, or credit card details. Never share such sensitive information via email, messages, or unsafe websites. Fake news is often aimed at manipulating emotions or causing panic among users. Always check the source of information and avoid sharing unverified contents. If you notice that the news is fake and is related to the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina, you can report it directly here so that we can react in due time and protect you from potential fraud. The Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina is committed to protecting the public from false information and disinformation. Our goal is to prevent the spreading of fake news which can affect security and confidence in our institution.