There is no distribution of the IMF loan


Statement of Governor Senad Softić for newspapers „Dnevni avaz“

For the newspapers „Avaz“, Governor of the Central Bank of BH Senad Softić commented on the fact that the BH Council of Ministers had not made a decision the day before yesterday on the withdrawal of funds from the IMF in the amount of EUR 330 million.

This institution has received the promissory note, which is one of the conditions for the loan to become operating. However, Zoran Tegeltija, Chairman of the Council of Ministers, said at the press conference that those were political games.

However, Softić explained to us that the Central Bank as a fiscal agent of BH towards the IMF sent a reminder for the promissory note, which should have been sent earlier, as it happened with all loan arrangements between our country and the IMF.

Beside the obligation of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury to send to the Central Bank a promissory note, the BH Council of Ministers is also to make a decision on the distribution of funds, Softić said and added that it means that the Central Bank of BH cannot distribute the funds from the IMF without the particular decision of the Council of Ministers.

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