The CBBH performs its role defined by the law, its core tasks and functions without disturbances


At the meeting of the Governing Board of the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina (CBBH), which has taken place today, on 10 August 2021, having in mind, among other, the provisions of the relevant laws ensuring the continuity of the operations of the CBBH and the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina (the provisions of Article 14, paragraph (8) of the Law on the Central Bank of BH and Article 55a of the Law on Administration of Bosnia and Herzegovina), the Governing Board of the CBBH has defined the attitude that it is necessary to make possible the undisturbed performance of the role defined by the law, the core tasks and functions of the CBBH, according to the Law on the CBBH and its applicable regulations, until the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina appoints new members of the Governing Board.

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