Financial education carried out for students and professors of High School of Economics Banja Luka


Following JU Ekonomska škola Brčko (PI High School of Economics Brčko), Ekonomska škola Banja Luka (High School of Economics Banja Luka), also joined the implementation of financial education project, which started in high schools in Sarajevo. The professors and students of this school attended the education which was held on 22 February 2023 in the premises of the Main Bank of Republika Srpska of the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Banja Luka. The skills of managing personal finance and the basic information on financial services and products were presented during the meeting with professors and students, who will transfer their knowledge on these issues to students of their school.

The Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the European Fund for Southeast Europe – Development Facility (EFSE DF), which together carry out financial education in schools in BH, express their satisfaction with the degree of interest of students and professors of Ekonomska škola Banja Luka (High School of Economics Banja Luka) who attended the education, but also the fact that the students showed maturity and knowledge of savings, personal budget and financial products and services. They welcome financial education, because, as one of the students said, “knowledge about it is always insufficient”.

We believe this is a beginning of a good and long-lasting cooperation.



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