
  • In 2022, 49,700,235 transactions in the total value of KM 145,825,330,468 were carried out through the payment systems of the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina (CBBH), and an increase of the number and value of transactions was recorded compared to the previous year.
  • Out of the total number of banks' payment transactions, 55% was related to intrabank transactions, while 45% was related to interbank transactions. By value, intrabank and interbank transactions were equivalent.
  • 2/3 of intrabank transactions were initiated by paper orders, while only 1/3 was initiated by electronic orders. Observing the way interbank transactions were initiated, the collected data show that almost the same number of interbank transactions was initiated by paper orders as it was by electronic orders.
  • The number of bank organisation parts increased by 5% in 2022 compared to the previous year.

  • 22 banks in BH offer electronic banking (mobile and/or internet banking).
  • There was an increasing trend of number of clients with access to electronic banking, as a contracted service. So, 1,324,202 persons had such kind of service last year, out of it 98,704 legal persons and 1,225,498 natural persons.
  • 32% of persons having electronic banking as a contracted service, also had internet banking, while 68% had mobile banking.
  • Legal persons used internet banking much more than mobile banking, while natural persons preferred mobile banking in relation to internet banking.
  • The same as in the previous years, only 1/3 of persons with contracted service of electronic banking used such services actively, while 2/3 of persons had a possibility to use it, but did not use it. Taking into account these facts, and generally digitisation in finance, which also includes payment transactions, the CBBH, in cooperation with the World Bank, created and published „Digital Payment Guide“, as a part of the CBBH activities in financial education. The Guide is available in digital form, and can be downloaded from :

The complete report PAYMENT SYSTEMS IN BH IN 2022

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