Governor Selimović has attended the IMF and the World Bank Group Spring Meetings in Washington


Governor of the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina (CBBH), Jasmina Selimović, Ph.D. has attended, as a member of BH delegation, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Spring Meetings held from 17 to 19 April 2024 in Washington.

This year's meeting was devoted to global economic challenges, financial stability, poverty reduction, sustainable development and international cooperation. The meetings are, generally, an opportunity for policy makers, economists and financial experts to exchange ideas, solve pressing issues and cooperate on the strategies for more resilient global economy.

During her stay in Washington, Governor Selimović, together with other members of BH delegation, attended a number of meetings with high officials of the IMF, Deputy Managing Director Bo Li, Executive Director and Alternate Executive Director of the IMF Paul Hilbers and Luc Dresse, Director of the European Department of the IMF Alfred Kammer and the IMF Mission Chief for BH Alina Iancu. She held bilateral meetings with World Bank officials, Antonella Bassani, Vice President for Europe and Central Asia, and Eugen Rhuggenaath, Executive Director at the World Bank.

Governor Jasmina Selimović Ph.D. and  the Deputy Managing Director IMF Boo Li

During these meetings, current cooperation programs, current macroeconomic trends and expectations in the coming period were discussed. Among other things, the Governor pointed out the importance and role of the CBBH in preserving monetary stability in the country, and in particular highlighted the activities and plans of the CBBH in the coming period, emphasizing the further improvement of the payment system and harmonization with SEPA (Single Euro Payment Area) and TIPS (Target Instant Payment Settlement in the EU). Close cooperation with the World Bank and other countries of the Western Balkans was achieved on this Project.

Alternate Executive Director of the IMF Paul Hilberse and the governor Jasmina Selimović Ph.D. 

The IMF and the World Bank have given full support to the CBBH in continuing to implement its mandate and planned activities.

Antonella Bassani Vice President of the Europe and Central Asia Region at the World Bank, Jasmina Selimović governor CBBH and the Minister of Communications and Transport BH Edin Forto

The Governor also attended the meeting of the Belgian-Dutch Constituency, to which Bosnia and Herzegovina belongs, as well as a closed meeting organized by the Director of the IMF's European Sector with the Governors and Finance Ministers of Central, Eastern and South East European countries.

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