The Governing Board of the CBBH approved the appointment of Emir Kurtić, Ph.D. a new Vice Governor


The Governing Board of the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina (CBBH), at its last session in the previous year gave approval to the Governor to appoint professor Emir Kurtić, Ph.D. a Vice Governor of the CBBH, in charge of the Sector of Statistics, Foreign Debt Servicing, European Integration and Payment Systems.

Kurtić, Ph.D. is a professor at the School of Economics and Business of the University of Sarajevo at the department of management and organisation, in the fields of corporate management, strategic management, human resources management and organisational coaching. He is an author of scientific and expert works, and a consultant with years long experience in projects of business development and international cooperation.

He has been appointed to the position of Vice Governor for a four year long term of office, starting from 1 January 2025.

Biography: Vice Governor Emir Kurtić, Ph.D.

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