Statements, interviews and other publishing about CBBH Senad Softić about the building of the Central Bank in Hastahana: We advocate the most for the park In an interview with, the Governor of the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Senad Softić, spoke about the plan to construct the building in a part of Sarajevo's Hastahana Park. 3/12/2021 Interview of Governor to the portal: Registry of Accounts is a condition of the EU 2/18/2021 Interview of Governor Senad Softić to "Dnevni Avaz": BH will not run out of cash 1/30/2021 Senad Softić, Governor of the CBBH, guest appearance in the "Dan uživo" show, BHRT, January 6, 2021 1/6/2021 „Nezavisne novine“ Interview with Governor: Corona cut foreign direct investments by half 1/4/2021 The pandemic has not endangered the stability of BH banking system „Business Magazine“ 12/28/2020 Governor's interview - "Oslobođenje" - There are no serious economic reasons to raise interest rates 12/22/2020 Governor Senad Softić, guest appearance in the show "Capital" - O Kanal, December 19, 2020. 12/19/2020 The statement of Governor Senad Softić to the newspaper "Oslobođenje" - BiH needs additional funds 12/17/2020 Interview of Governor Senad Softić to the newspaper "Dnevni Avaz" - A difficult year awaits us 12/11/2020 «…45678…»