Governor Selimović Participated in 8. Global Meeting of Sustainable Banking and Finance Network


Governor of the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina (CBBH), Jasmina Selimović,Ph.D. attended the 8. Global Meeting of members, observers and partners of Sustainable Banking and Finance Network – SBFN, which took place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on 11 and 12 September 2024.

During the two day meetings, members and partners of SBFN commented on the previous achievements and defined the key directions for future work in the areas of new financial instruments for sustainable finance, green bond markets and development of further framework for sustainable operations, with a special s focus on instruments of measurement, monitoring and reporting related to SBFN Framework for measurement and methodology.

On that occasion, Governor Jasmina Selimović, Ph.D. said: „As the full member, the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the first time has had the opportunity to participate in the Global Meeting of members, observers and partners of Sustainable Banking and Finance Network and thus contribute to the global dialogue on sustainable finance. This opportunity makes it possible for us to exchange our experiences and challenges related to the development of sustainable financial practices, and also to learn from other SBFN members, in order to improve our activities and policies in this area.”

The meetings of this kind take place once in two years. SBFN has existed since 2012 and currently it has 56 members from 72 countries. The meeting in Brazil, which takes place on the margins of Working Group G20 for Sustainable Finance and Climate Change, is attended by the representatives of more than 60 countries – central bank governors, heads of regulatory agencies and banking associations, as well as representatives of the leading international networks and bodies for setting standards in the area of sustainable financing. The organisers and hosts of the meeting are the Central Bank of Brazil and the Brazilian Federation of Banks (FEBRABAN), with the support of the International Finance Corporation (IFC), member of the World Bank Group.

Newsletter CBBiH